Sunday, September 04, 2011

Very Fine Work and With A Twinkle In His Eye

Friday, I went to the opening of Then and Now, 1943 -2011 an exhibition of Sidney Chafetz's artwork at the Sherrie Gallery.  At 89 Sid still has a twinkle in his eye and he continues to amaze with his output of artwork. He is, as he said, "Still raising Cain!"

French Boy, 1944
The treat of the evening was looking at the recovered works from the forties.
The man can draw, but we knew that.  I have been telling artist friends if you want to see it all: good composition, good value, interesting marks and above all art, and art that has something to say, GO SEE THIS EXHBIT. 

I consider myself lucky to have had and still have Sid as one of my teachers and a dear friend.

The Sherrie Gallery
694 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio   43215

1 comment:

Sri Debi said...

Edie, thanks for posting this. What a treat to see this exhibition with you today. I had a hard time just looking at the work because I was SO excited by the markmarkig along. Not only can the man draw, he knows how to work a surface! So much to learn by looking at this exhibition. Now if I could just buy them all. Ooooh! Worth every penny.

You really are lucky to have studied and continue to have this artist in your life.